Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Long time, no see

Many things have conspired to keep me from updating regularly. Here's something to chew on while this site gets revving again.....

Bush's plan for Social Security is to give enrollees the ability to play the stock market with their future safety net. Everyone knows that bad investments happen and the market is not guaranteed in any way.
King is straddling the fence here but he really comes across as supporting this incredibly bad idea.
Now who will really profit from the influx of money into the investment market? Investment bankers and brokerages.
Follow the money:

2003-2004 PAC Contributions
Finance/Insur/RealEst $57,676:
Securities & Investment $14,000
Accountants $8,676
Commercial Banks $7,500

2001-2002 PAC Contributions:
Finance/Insur/RealEst $265,700
Securities & Investment $18,000
Accountants $3,500
Commercial Banks $29,000

1999-2000 PAC Contributions:
Finance/Insur/RealEst $111,281
Securities & Investment $20,500
Commercial Banks $32,000
Accountants $2,000

1997-1998 PAC Contributions:
Securities & Investment $20,000
Accountants $5,500
Commercial Banks $51,495


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