Thursday, December 22, 2005

Another Bad Vote

King votes with the republican majority and against his constituents once again.
"H.R.4241 To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201(a) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006." is just a fancy title for the "deficit reduction act" which provides more tax cuts for the highest brackets and fuding cuts for student loans, medicaid cuts, and many more that directly affect King's constituents.
The bill was passed once before in a tight vote with King voting YES but the Senate made some changes and sent it back to the House. King was a deciding vote the first time and a deciding vote the second time. The vote was 217-215. The vote occured at 1:41am on Monday. In order to get their vacation started, House votes went through the night.

King could have voted to help your kids get a college education but he didn't.
King could have voted to help poor children get early testing but he didn't.
King could have voted to help ensure child care funds for states. BUT HE DID'NT

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