Wednesday, July 27, 2005

King Homeland Security Chairman? HA!

Since late June, King has been jockeying to be the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. King is "running" against Reps. Don Young (R-Alaska)and Curt Weldon (R-Pa.).
King told Newsday "This is serious business. I'm campaigning, but not in the traditional sense because the issue is so serious,"
Which is not quite true. He has been trying to tear down opponent Youing using Young's vote for the Sanders Amendment that would protect citizens privacy. Young opposes some of the "Patriot Act" and supports protecting our freedoms first. Rep. Weldon would have alos voted for the amendment according The Hill "He missed that vote because he had a family emergency,” said Russ Caso, Weldon’s chief of staff. “He would have voted for the Sanders amendment."
King went after Young by saying "I can understand someone being against it, but it’s difficult to understand someone being against it and then being chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. There’s an underlying inconsistency in being chairman of the Homeland Security Committee and being against a basic provision of the Patriot Act.”

The is no inconsistency at all. The "Patriot Act" is extremely flawed and elected officials and scholars from across the political spectrum oppose much of it. Young and Weldon seem to want to fix the flaws while King will be a lapdog of Bush administration extremists.

What IS inconsistant is King defending the treason of Karl Rove, being a long-time supporter of the terrorist IRA, defending Bush adminsitration lies leading to war, and acting increasingly unstable, but wanting to be the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee.

Laughably Leslie Feldman, a political scientist at Hofstra University tells Newsday "He understands the importance of homeland security. He understands the significance of 9/11 and making sure that it doesn't happen again. King has increasingly been getting a more national image."

Feldman also says "His position on national security is as tough as anybody's,"

Yes, King is getting a more national image but it isn't a good one. His blatant lies and extremist talk isn't impressing anyone. Does King "understand" the importance of homeland security? Certainly not when he is defending the outing of an undercover CIA agent. King is tough where he wants to be tough and lets slide administion failures and crimes.
How has King's buddy-buddy act gone over with Bush and the rest of the republicans? Not so good for NY. We are still getting less than Wyoming in homeland security funds, our transit system will not be getting additional security and we still haven't gotten all the funds pledged back in 2001. In fact, congress took money back! "Congress moved late Thursday night to take back some $125 million in unspent September 11 aid to New York.New York lawmakers sought to persuade the House Appropriations Committee to reconsider, but the panel rejected an amendment offered by Rep. James Walsh, R-New York, that would have let the state keep the $125 million to treat ground zero workers who develop health problems in the future.The $125 million was first given to the New York state workers compensation board after September 11, 2001, to help pay administrative costs of handling claims from construction and recovery workers."

How effective is King? Not very.


Anonymous said...

Peter King must go. This man KNEW about a serious terrorist plot against his constituents, yet could not find a way to get his buddy President Bush to restore the significant federal aid to prevent terrorist attacks in New York. Instead, King used much of the past few months trying to divert attention by attacking the New York Times' disclosure of yet another Bush invasion of Americans' privacy and violations of their Consitutional rights.

This is what Peter King said today:

Peter King, a New York Congressman, said that federal law enforcement and New York police had been monitoring a plot to attack New York’s mass transport system for at least eight months

"There was nothing imminent, but it was being monitored for a long period of time," he said. Mr King added: "This is ongoing, that’s why I’ve said nothing about it until now. It would have been better if this had not been disclosed."

So, he knew about the plot but allows his GOP colleagues to tell New York to "Drop Dead".

Anonymous said...

Peter King must go. This man KNEW about a serious terrorist plot against his constituents, yet could not find a way to get his buddy President Bush to restore the significant federal aid to prevent terrorist attacks in New York. Instead, King used much of the past few months trying to divert attention by attacking the New York Times' disclosure of yet another Bush invasion of Americans' privacy and violations of their Consitutional rights.

This is what Peter King said today:

Peter King, a New York Congressman, said that federal law enforcement and New York police had been monitoring a plot to attack New York’s mass transport system for at least eight months

"There was nothing imminent, but it was being monitored for a long period of time," he said. Mr King added: "This is ongoing, that’s why I’ve said nothing about it until now. It would have been better if this had not been disclosed."

So, he knew about the plot but allows his GOP colleagues to tell New York to "Drop Dead".