Sunday, January 14, 2007

King's Emperor Has No Clothes

Peter King is a big fan of George W. Bush.
How does King feel about Bush being too much of a coward to watch the Saddam execution?
Bush is supposed to be some sort of courageous tough-guy but can't bring himself to watch the result of his invasion of Iraq.
Bush supports the death penalty (as does King) but doesn't want to see with his own eyes the sentence carried out.

CBS's 60 Minutes...
BUSH: Not really. Not really. I was satisfied when we captured him. I'm just not . . .revenge isn't necessarily something that causes me to react. In other words, I'm not a revengeful person. I'm glad he received the justice that was due.

PELLEY: I'm curious. How did you see the video?

BUSH: Internet.

PELLEY: You called it up on the internet and watched it?

BUSH: Somebody showed me parts of it. Yeah. I didn't wanna watch the whole thing.

PELLEY: Well, you keep saying "parts of it." What do you mean you didn't wanna watch the whole thing?

: I wasn't sure what to anticipate beyond the yelling and stuff like that. And I didn't . .

PELLEY: You didn't wanna see him go through the trapdoor.

: Yeah. Yes. I didn't.

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