Sunday, April 04, 2004

Angry constituents

After Kings comments about muslims, there was a pile-on with letters to the editor lambasting King. Here are a few excerpts:
March 9th
" In the three years since Rep. King (R-Seaford) has become my representative, I have been appalled by the arrogance, lack of respect and dismissiveness that King and some of his staff have shown to people who do not agree with the hard-right turn of the House of Representatives."
"On one occasion, my husband called his office to take exception to statements he made on a cable news show in defense of the Bush administration's lies about the Iraq war. King fired back a sarcastic letter reiterating the lies and suggesting that my husband purchase a copy of the broadcast tape and watch it during the summer for "his enlightenment."

March 15th
"Lately Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) has been jumping from one media outlet to another repeating his Islamophobic statements. Doesn't he have anything to do except defame the people whom he represents?
King's statements can further hurt the minorities in New York. Reports have shown that there is a trend of eroding civil rights in the Muslim and South Asian communities in New York and other states. Reported incidents include school and work-place discrimination, financial discrimination, harassment and even hate crimes."

March 16th
"I don't think people in this district would vote for Texas Rep. Tom DeLay if his name was on the ballot, but because of strong party "discipline," every Republican member of the House is now a political clone of DeLay, who is House majority leader.
King consistently votes with DeLay: for tax cuts for the super rich, for drilling in the Arctic, for an energy bill written by the oil industry, and for a Medicare drug benefit bill written by the pharmaceutical industry."

"This November, I intend to vote for A.B.K. - Anybody But King - in order to help take the House of Representatives away from the radicals who have so cynically hijacked it."

March 17th
"As a constituent of Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford), I am troubled by his speeches and letters about the Islamic community.
While attending Hofstra University I had the privilege and honor of meeting Faroque Khan, president of the Islamic Cultural Center of Long Island, and attending a service at his mosque.
As a Jew, I had serious reservations. But from the first moment we arrived those reservations went away because Khan made us all feel welcome."

And to show how much of an arrogant you-know-what King is, check this out:
From the March 18th Newsday
"A Bellmore man this week learned how deeply Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) supports President George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq.
Harry Halikias believed the president lied about invading to destroy weapons of mass destruction. So he wrote to King urging he vote to censure Bush for dishonesty.
King declined.
Halikias was fine with most of King's March 11 reply letter, which read, "I disagree with you in every respect. ... President Bush is an outstanding leader of outstanding integrity."
But the congressman also wrote, "You are morally, intellectually and politically wrong."
That angered Halikias. "I am blown away by it. How can he judge my morality and how intellectual I am?" he said. "He personally attacked me based on an issue important to my community."
In an interview Tuesday, King said he'd been deliberately blunt. "He was personally attacking the president, and I was defending the president."
Halikias was especially upset because he has supported King. "If I'm so morally bankrupt, why did I vote for him?" the constituent said.
King responded, "I guess he's undecided now."

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