Monday, August 28, 2006

A Matter of Trade-Offs

What could the 3rd Congressional District trade for the Millionaire Tax Cut King voted for?

The National Priorities Project crunches the numbers...

"$56.5 billion in tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% this year could be spent on the people of Congressional District 3 (King) instead. If that money were used to support state and local programs, the residents of Congressional District 3 (King) could have $219.5 million, which could provide:
25,666 People with Health Care or
2,625 Elementary School Teachers or
24,966 Head Start Places for Children or
94,401 Children with Health Care or
1,775 Affordable Housing Units or
20 New Elementary Schools or
37,488 Scholarships for University Students or
2,943 Music and Arts Teachers or
4,448 Public Safety Officers or
720,256 Homes with Renewable Electricity or
3,439 Port Container Inspectors"

And what if we spent the money from the Bush-Iraq War here instead of there???

"Taxpayers in Congressional District 3 (King) will pay $1.5 billion for the cost of war in Iraq. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:
179,048 People with Health Care or
18,312 Elementary School Teachers or
174,165 Head Start Places for Children or
658,557 Children with Health Care or
12,380 Affordable Housing Units or
141 New Elementary Schools or
261,518 Scholarships for University Students or
20,528 Music and Arts Teachers or
31,030 Public Safety Officers or
5,024,603 Homes with Renewable Electricity or
23,989 Port Container Inspectors"

So, 31,030 police and 23,000+ Port Container Inspectors......
Wouldn't the "homeland" be more secure with that?

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