Thursday, October 19, 2006

More Debate Video Coming Soon

We'll have some video posted on thursday.


Anonymous said...

Do you really think by passing a law, will stop people from drinking and driving?? The young and the old will still go out and party and drink. They will get behind a wheel of a car and kill themselves and others. Yes, put him in jail for life---there will be another next year and so forth. The easy solution if you want to stop drinking and driving, it's so easy. Have all vehicle installed with a device that the car can not start if your alcohol level is high. This is the way you will ""save"" lives, not after the fact. Roger from Long Island

Anonymous said...

Do you really think by passing a law, will stop people from drinking and driving?? The young and the old will still go out and party and drink. They will get behind a wheel of a car and kill themselves and others. Yes, put him in jail for life---there will be another next year and so forth. The easy solution if you want to stop drinking and driving, it's so easy. Have all vehicle installed with a device that the car can not start if your alcohol level is high. This is the way you will ""save"" lives, not after the fact. Roger from Long Island